Keltruck’s Chairman & MD, Chris Kelly, has written to The Birmingham Post regarding Business Link West Midlands.
Advising the business advisers
Dear Editor, How ironic is it that Business Link, which is ultimately the government’s own organisation set up at massive cost to the taxpayer, and administered locally now by Advantage West Midlands to “advise business”, should need to call in business advisers itself (Post Aug 16)!
Whatever we watch or listen to just now on commercial TV or radio, is constantly interrupted by incessant advertising for Train to Gain and such like, showing trucks turning into hands etc, all at what must be enormous cost to the taxpayer.
There is even an advertisement running showing a scorpion, suggesting that businesses “stung by regulation” should contact Business Link for the way out – that is a way out of the very regulation that this Government has overburdened us all in. How ironic is that one must ask?
When will politicians ever learn, that both low taxation and low regulation are the only platforms upon which to encourage entrepreneurs to take that vital first step, but then again, it is obviously too late for this Government to learn anything now, even if it is simply to leave well alone what once used to work very well indeed!
Chris Kelly,
Chairman & managing director,
Keltruck Ltd,
West Bromwich