22 07, 2008

David Cameron meets Keltruck apprentices

2023-10-01T18:21:17+01:00July 22nd, 2008|Aftersales, Anniversaries, Apprentices, Careers, Chris D. Kelly, Chris Kelly, Keltruck News|

Conservative Party Leader & Leader of the Opposition, the Rt. Hon. David Cameron MP, today met Keltruck apprentices ahead of the launch of his Party’s Green Paper on Skills to …

12 11, 2007

Nigel Jones to take up senior position with Scania (Great Britain) Limited

2018-11-02T10:26:06+00:00November 12th, 2007|Careers, Keltruck News, Scania|

After 11 extremely successful years with Keltruck, Account Manager Nigel Jones is leaving to take up the position of Regional Sales Director – Scania South West on 1 January 2008.

12 03, 2007

Keltruck announces the departure of John Biggin & Simon Hobson

2024-08-02T19:32:23+01:00March 12th, 2007|Careers, Chris Kelly, Keltruck News|

John Biggin & Simon Hobson are leaving Keltruck to take up an exciting opportunity as equity owners of TruckEast Limited, Scania Dealer for the eastern counties.

John …

27 05, 2006

Keltruck employee wins apprentice of the year award for second year running

2022-11-10T19:20:54+00:00May 27th, 2006|Apprentices, Awards, Careers, Keltruck News, Neil Vazey, Scania|

Keltruck congratulates Michael Evans for achieving the coveted Scania apprentice of the year award for the second year running.

Michael, who is now in his third …

17 04, 2005

Keltruck employee wins apprentice of the year awards

2021-02-26T16:13:37+00:00April 17th, 2005|Apprentices, Awards, Careers, Keltruck News, Scania|

Keltruck congratulates Michael Evans for achieving both the coveted Scania and ReMIT apprentice of the year awards.

Michael is now in his second year at our Walsall depot and is …

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